Civil Engineering
✓ Civil engineering is intimately associated with the private and public sectors, including the individual homeowners and international enterprises. Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering professions, and ancient engineering achievements due to civil engineering include the pyramids of Egypt and road systems developed by the Romans. Civil engineering has a significant role in the life of every human being, though one may not truly sense its importance in our daily routine. The function of civil engineering commences with the start of the day when we take a shower, since the water is delivered through a water supply system including a well-designed network of pipes, water treatment plant and other numerous associated services.
✓ It is a technology that includes numerous other disciplines that produce useful facilities for the human beings, including roads, dams, waste disposal and other facilities that are used in our daily life. Civil engineering is progressing at a fast pace as are other technology. It is considered as the first discipline of the various branches of engineering after military engineering, and includes the designing, planning, construction, and maintenance of the infrastructure. The works include roads, bridges, buildings, dams, canals, water supply and numerous other facilities that affect the life of human beings.
✓ The network of roads on which we drive while proceeding to school or work, the huge structural bridges we come across and the tall buildings where we work, all have been designed and constructed by civil engineers. Even the benefits of electricity we use are available to us through the contribution of civil engineers who constructed the towers for the transmission lines. In fact, no sphere of life may be identified that does not include the contribution of civil engineering. Thus, the importance of civil engineering may be determined according to its usefulness in our daily life.

Mechanical Engineering
The branch of Mechanical Engineering is the study of material, machine and method popularly known as 3M. The above parameters along with another M i.e. ‘Man’ form the basic requirement of everything we have today. Mechanical engineering is the second largest and one of the oldest disciplines; broadest of all engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers apply the principles of mechanics and energy to the design of machines and devices.
In addition the department also offers different courses other than the standard curriculum such as practical and applications of SOLID-WORKS, AUTO-CAD and CATIA in real job scenarios .The department has also Mechanical Engineers through which students organize technical fests and Semi-nars in which where they demonstrate different Models Designed. Further organise the guest lectures are delivered by experts from industries and advanced Institutions.
Workshop and Laboratories are the heart life lines of any Mechanical Engineering Department. The department has Aa well equipped workshop occupying over 1000 sq. ft. area and has adequate facilitates for training of students.
Mechanical Workshop
The mechanical workshop undertakes the construction of all mechanical systems, whether they be flight or developmental. These vary from plasma detectors to full telescopes and from radiation shields to cryogenic coolers. Capabilities include CNC and manual, milling and turning along with EDM and sheet metal forming abilities.
The engineering performed in the mechanical workshop focuses on producing specialized, high-precision low-volume parts for laboratory and space instrumentation.

Computer Science Engineering
Computer Science Engineering deals with the foundations of information and computation, together with practical techniques for the implementation and application of these foundations. The Department of Computer Science & Engineering at NGFCET is known for excellence in cutting edge research and innovation in teaching. The spacious and fully air conditioned ultra-modern computer Centre at the college campus offers students a best-in-class study experience. Using a large number of high end computers, software and peripherals, advanced Multimedia, WI-FI; Students get to train themselves advanced technologies. The entire experience prepares the student for a highly advanced world of computers and technology.

Electrical & Electronics Engineering
The prospects of Electrical Engineering will never fade as it is the heart of all Engineering disciplines. Electricity has become the basic need for survival globally, from house hold to Industrial Plants, communication, satellite, navigation system etc. The college has extensive laboratories, upgraded for experimentation to be carried out by the students as a part of their curriculum. Further the laboratory tasks boost the research and development activities in Electrical Engineering related fields.
Performance of electronic devices and complex circuits could be better understood in this fast emerging course named as Electronics & Communication Engineering.